Super Big Bertha Slot Machine
10 Fun Casino Facts You Probably Never Heard
- Super Big Bertha Slot Machine In Las Vegas
- Big Bertha Boring Machine Seattle
- Super Big Bertha Slot Machine Las Vegas
- Big Bertha Boring Machine
Big Bertha, and later the Super Big Bertha, were super large machines that cost over $150,000 to produce but were powered by a five horse powered motor. This machine had eight reels with 20 symbols per reel and only offered 80% payback to players. Robert, my blower motor a 2hp 1350 Cfm blower sucking that into a Super Dust deputy which is 5 inch and the fan is slightly larger. I could write a complete article on why I have chosen to stay with 4 inch, bottom line is – I don’t have any tool that will create the need for more airflow – second reason – my shop my choice. Big Bertha giant slot machine. 10 – Big Bertha. Not so much located anywhere in particular but rather travailing around the world is Big Birtha, a 7-foot-tall slot machine that weighs more than a small family car and probably costs more to make as well. Midas Touch Giant Slot Machine. 9 – That One Big Arm. In Super Mario Bros., all castles are made of red bricks (except for the one in World 6-3, which is gray) and all have the same basic shape.The castles can be found at the end of each world, but can also be found at the start of most worlds, aside from World 1, the first level of the game, and World 5, which starts with a fortress instead of a castle.
The casino and gaming world is rich with fun facts and cultural history. So rich in fact, that we’re positive even the most devoted gaming aficionado might not be able to name all ten of the fun facts we have listed out below:
Fact #1: The word casino is derived from an Italian word, meaning “small villa,” or “summerhouse,“ built purely for enjoyment. Later in the 19th century the meaning shifted to include public entertainment spaces, which is how it eventually became associated with the gaming world.
Fact #2: Those flashing lights on top of the slot machine are actually called candles — only these kind you don’t want to blow out. Instead, you hope they light right up!
Fact #3: The popular phrase “jackpot,” originated as a form of poker. In this variation, the pot continued to grow until a player could open the bidding with a pair of jacks or better.
Fact #4: Slot machine enthusiasts in Australia call their beloved machines “pokies!
Fact #5: Money raised from gambling and lotteries has been used to fund many public building projects, including construction of The Great Wall of China.
Fact #6: On that note, it is said that former President Richard Nixon used funds from bets he won playing cars in the South Pacific during WWII to fund his congressional election campaign.
Fact #7: It’s true that Las Vegas is the gambling capital of the U.S., but Macau is the gambling capital of the world, with bets bringing in $45.2 billion in revenue in 2016.

Fact #8: The first slot machines didn’t always pay winners in cash. In fact, the bar owners who housed these machines was at liberty to award prizes however he/she saw fit, most often in the form of free beer or cigars.
Fact #9: FedEx creator Fred Smith used the last of his company funds to take to the blackjack tables in Las Vegas. His hope was to win enough to pull his business out of debt, which he certainly did!
Fact #10: The Super Big Bertha is the largest slot machine in the world, at over 8 feet tall and 6.5 feet wide. It’s eight spinning reels make the odds of hitting a mere 1 in 25.6 billion!
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You might not believe this, but you don’t have to go to Vegas to see some of the world’s largest slot machines. These amazing machines have fruit wheels the size of windmills and bandit arms the size of drainage pipes. When you spin one of these you already feel like a winner. So without further delay, let’s spin those giant reels…
10 – Big Bertha
Not so much located anywhere in particular but rather travailing around the world is Big Birtha, a 7-foot-tall slot machine that weighs more than a small family car and probably costs more to make as well.
9 – That One Big Arm
You can just imagine the CLUNK noise this is going to make as you pull down that giant arm. Then the THUD as the reels start to lock into position. This is a real beast.
8 – Microspin
Super Big Bertha Slot Machine In Las Vegas

At over 9 feet high this is officially the largest slot machine in the entire world. But strangely you didn’t win money, but real prizes that were dispensed by a team of people behind the machine! Weird indeed, but true.
7 – Super Spin
This is officially the world’s largest mass-production slot machine. It is 30ft round and can handle up to 9 people playing at the same time! Then they each get a turn in the middle of the bonus game.
6 – The Big Lady
Big Bertha Boring Machine Seattle
I couldn’t work out where it was now located but this bandit is massive! In fact, many of the machines seen here claim they are the biggest, but with each image, they seem to get bigger and bigger!
5 – French Fancies
I love the look of this giant one-armed bandit but for the love of me I couldn’t work out where it was located. But it looks like a real strain to pull the arm no matter where it is located.
Super Big Bertha Slot Machine Las Vegas
4 – Caesars Spinners
Located within the prestigious Caesar’s Palace casino is their largest slot machine. Not only a big spinner, but also a big winner with the jackpot being 1 Million!
3 – Queens Pull
Now this is what I call a slot machine fit for a Queen, four of them in fact! Located in Four Queens Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada it is their crown and glory.
Big Bertha Boring Machine
2 – Barneys
Located in Barney’s Casino, Lake Tahoe, Nevada is this mechanical beast they called Big Irish luck. With a shamrock theme, it was really lucky if you didn’t put your back out trying to spin the reels!
1 – One Big Arm
I just had to make this classic style one armed bandit located at Bally’s Casino in Las Vegas in Nevada my number 1. Just the fact that people have been injured pulling down the giant spin arm makes it too amazing for words.